The Chicken Came First

Why did I start this blog?   I blame it on the “Urban Chickens of Seattle”!  Here’s my story and I am going to stick to it.

imageBack on May 10, 2013 my brother-in-law Joe posted a picture on Facebook of his urban chickens.  The photo was linked to a web site photo and week 18’s  challenge was Agriculture.  As I looked at the photo I started thinking, I have chickens, I have sheep and I have goats.  Why don’t I go out and take a photo of my animals and submit a photo?

Well, I joined their group and submitted my photo.  As I looked around the photo challenge web site I saw a tab about “guidelines” of the group, I clicked on it and started reading.  It stated each photographer should have a blog talking about their photography and be able to have interaction with others.  Yikes, I need to start a blog!  What am I going to say?  I’m not big on reading and don’t care to write.  So this was going to be a new challenge for me in my life.  With Joe being on I decided to set up a blog there too.  What have I gotten myself into?

On June 24th I sent out this first blog posting.

This is my first attempt at blogging.  I don’t know where it will take me, but I am looking forward to the adventure.

Then I started looking inside of me and finding stories I wanted to share with the readers of WordPress.  I also started adventuring around the WordPress web site and found the search area and entered in the key words photography and agriculture.  These are areas of interest of mine.  Bingo!  A young ladies blog caught my attention.  [j l d] Photography and it hooked me.  She wrote about her Sunflower Farmer, North Dakota agriculture and her upcoming marriage.  I looked at who’s blogs she followed and it lead me to other blogs I found interesting.  Yes, a friend of a friend of a friend blogging travels and more people and lives to explore.

In my tagline I state “Learning to tell a story”.  So I wanted to explore if I can tell a story thru my writings and photography.  In 2009, Laurel and I along with some family members went to Ireland for a little touring.  I told my co-workers before we left, legend has it if you kiss the Blarney Stone it will give you the gift of gab.  My co-workers were horrified and wondered if it would be a curse on me if I kissed the stone.  We never made it to Blarney Castle and so the legend is still a mystery and alive.  But maybe WordPress will give me the medium for the gift of gab.  It will be an interesting adventure for me.

I hope to share photos, stories of my family and mundane stories of day to day life in Wisconsin.  And just think, it all started with a photo of Urban Chickens in Seattle.

2 comments on “The Chicken Came First

  1. Oh, I like it, Fred! And I don’t think you need a Blarney Stone to gift you with something you already have! We all, your “family-in-law” always knows there’ll be something interesting that you’ve added to your life, and we love hearing about it!! Your MIL… Fran

    • Hi back to you. I started blogging a few months ago. It has been a completely new thing for me. I have been enjoying the challenges of the photo group. The posting of my photos are on the Facebook page for this group.

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